Our Founder

Dr Shamsuri Juhari

Prior to his founding of Nusantara Connect Pte Ltd, Dr Shamsuri Juhari was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies in the National University of Singapore. His area of research focused on issues pertaining to the local Malay-Muslim community, specifically in relation to identity, family and education. He has completed commissioned research projects on themes relating to identity formation, parenting challenges, child fostering, and work skills development and career aspirations.

Previous to his foray into the field of research, Dr Sham was an educator with a wide spectrum of experiences in the education service. These range from classroom teaching to senior management and leadership positions in various academic institutions.

He has taught students across diverse backgrounds and abilities - from at-risk youths to those in the Gifted Education Programme. He has also designed and facilitated curricula at the Secondary, International Baccalaureate, Undergraduate and Masters levels. Sham received his PhD in Education from the University of Birmingham in the UK. He also holds a BA and Masters in Sociology from the National University of Singapore, a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the National Institute of Education, as well as an Advanced Diploma in Human Resource Management from Griffith University.

Body of Work

  • Commissioned Studies
  • Selected Publications
  • Media & Public Appearances
Commissioned Studies

The following are some of the commissioned projects that Dr Sham has completed as Principal Investigator:

  1. Malay/Muslim Parents’ Attitude & Perceptions Towards Child Fostering (2023)
  2. Attitudes & Perceptions of Malay/Muslim Workers Towards Training & Upgrading (2023)
  3. Self-Care Practices of Social Work Practitioners (2023)
  4. Socio-Cultural Challenges Faced by Malay-Muslim Fathers (2021)
  5. Malay Youth Identity (2019)
  6. Malay/Muslim Research Network (2019)
Selected Publications
  1. Book Chapter: Nurturing Malay Youth as Leaders of Tomorrow In Serving with a Heart: Securing the Future (2024)
  2. Journal Article: The Value of Social Networks in Shaping the Attitudes and Behaviours of Malay-Muslim Fathers In Mendaki Policy Digest (2023).
  3. Journal Article: Levelling the Playing Field for the Malay-Muslim Community In IPS Commons (Oct 2022)
  4. Commentary: How can Singapore lessen the impact of SES on educational achievements? In ChannelNewsAsia (Sep 2022)
  5. Journal Article: The Role of Malay-Muslim Fathers in the Family In Karyawan (June 2022)
  6. Book Chapter: Education for the Minority Malay Community In Singapore: A Sociological Perspective in Education In Singapore: People-Making and Nation-Building. Springer (April 2022).
  7. Journal Article: Cultivating A Dialogical Society: Reflections of IPS' Singapore Perspectives 2021 In Karyawan (April 2021)
  8. Book Chapter: Voices of Youth from the Malay Community In Beyond the Bicentennial. World Scientific (2020)
  9. Book Chapter: The Singapore Education System: Balancing Excellence with Equity In Bloomsbury Education And Childhood Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing (2019)
Media & Public Appearances
  1. Dr Sham's findings for the project on Malay-Muslim parents were published in the Malay mainstream newspaper and broadcast news. View more.
  2. He was often invited to be part of the panel of judges for events such as this national debating competition. His press interview can be seen in minute 2.45 of the screening. View more.
  3. He provided some of his perspectives in this Malay infotainment episode on graduates completing their studies and subsequently entering the job market. He appears around minute 4.40 in this episode. This is one of his many appearances in the media where his opinions had been sought. View more.
  4. His views on Forward.sg were sought for the 'Analysis’ segment of the Malay News on TV. (At min 18.30) View more.
  5. Recently, Dr Sham was asked for his views on the Government’s Budget 2024 announcement. He voiced his perspectives in min 1.50 onwards. View more.

Our logo depicts a formation of books and pens to represent the recording and sharing of knowledge. The compass-like configuration signifies the geographical sources of influence within the Nusantara region. The show of 4 ‘books’ serves not only to portray a subtle form of the company’s initials N & C, but to also reflect, at a deeper level, one of its primary missions which is to reveal the hidden legacies of the Nusantara. The lettering is influenced by multiple forms of written scripts used in the region, past and present.

Nusantara Connect Pte Ltd
422 Sin Ming Lane
#06-76, Midview City
+65 9794 0433

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