Nusantara Connect is an education-focused content design and research consultancy

Our Objectives & Scope

The company focuses its work on 4 broad areas:

Curriculum Planning

Designed the itinerary for the Pulau Penyengat Cultural Experience Programme.

Currently designing conference programmes for several culturally-themed conferences.

Content Creation

Created content for programmes, seminars and workshops such as:

The 3-Level Conversational English Language Programme.

The Community Solutioning Workshops.

Project Management

Recruiting, Administering and Supervision of Field Staff for study projects.

Organiser and Convenor of conferences.



Landscape Scan of Marriage Support Programmes for the Malay/Muslim Community

Funder: MSF

Proposal Development Stage

End-of-life socio-medical protocols from the lens of the Malay-Muslim Community: An Investigation into an ethnic-centred approach to palliative care.

Historical Investigation of Masjid Wak Tanjong.

Our Founder

Dr Shamsuri Juhari

Prior to his founding of Nusantara Connect Pte Ltd, Dr Shamsuri Juhari was Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Policy Studies in the National University of Singapore. His area of research focused on issues pertaining to the local Malay-Muslim community, specifically in relation to identity, family and education. He has completed commissioned research projects on themes relating to identity formation, parenting challenges, child fostering, and work skills development and career aspirations.

Previous to his foray into the field of research, Dr Sham was an educator with a wide spectrum of experiences in the education service. These range from classroom teaching to senior management and leadership positions in various academic institutions.

Our Programmes

The Pulau Penyengat Initiative

The Pulau Penyengat Initiative was one from among a series of proposed follow-ups triggered by the Problem-Scoping Workshop focusing on the Singaporean Malay-Muslim Community organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS) in 2018.

As a history enthusiast I knew I had to visit Pulau Penyengat after being informed of its proximity and historical significance by Dr Sham. I brought two of my close friends along and we spent three and a half days at a homestay where we experienced local hospitality firsthand. We visited historical sites including Benteng Bukit Kursi, a 19th century fort used against the Dutch, the shrines of scholar Raja Ali Haji and his family members and the ruins of the famous Rusydiah Club, an intellectual organization. I learnt that despite its small size and population of only 2500 people, Pulau Penyengat has contributed significantly to the history of the Malay world as the site of Malay intellectualism and press printing in the olden days. The former royalty of this island also has ties to Singapore's past and unfortunately this fact has been overlooked and is not general information. My hope is that more Singaporean youths would visit this quaint island to reconnect with parts of our past history.

Sufia Maisarah



Currently, the proposal for the following project has been completed:

End-of-life socio-medical protocols from the lens of the Malay-Muslim Community: An Investigation into an ethnic-centred approach to palliative care.

We are now inviting collaborators to work with us before submitting the grant applications.

Our logo depicts a formation of books and pens to represent the recording and sharing of knowledge. The compass-like configuration signifies the geographical sources of influence within the Nusantara region. The show of 4 ‘books’ serves not only to portray a subtle form of the company’s initials N & C, but to also reflect, at a deeper level, one of its primary missions which is to reveal the hidden legacies of the Nusantara. The lettering is influenced by multiple forms of written scripts used in the region, past and present.

Nusantara Connect Pte Ltd
422 Sin Ming Lane
#06-76, Midview City
+65 9794 0433

© copyright 2024 by Nusantara Connect